Casting a Vote in 2016

For quite some time, I have been EXTREMELY ANNOYED by Christians who have blindly accepted Republicans as the divinely chosen leaders of this country.  For some INEXPLICABLE reason, the Republicans have brainwashed a vast majority of “believers” into their endorsement.  According to these individuals, Republican’s policies are “in line with God’s Word”, thus, a “true” Christian is obliged to vote Republican.

Well, as my grandmother would say: “The proof is in the puddin!”

In this Christian’s opinion, during the first debate, Republicans revealed their true character to all citizens who have a discerning ear.

Indeed, Republicans have exposed their true nature to:  (1) kill (witness the thousands who have died in Iraq); (2) steal (can you say “Florida”, boys and girls?); and, (3) destroy (e.g., our relationship with former allies).  Does this behavior pattern sound familiar?

So, when casting a vote in 2016, PLEASE do not assume that Republicans deserve your support just because they claim to be principled.  Remember, actions speak louder than words!

3 Comments on this article

  • Charlee June 20, 2016
    Your articles are for when it abuslotely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.


    • Kamberley March 18, 2017
      Hallo Vera,ich finde den Kuchen auch sehr schön.Meine Mitbewohnerin exeiiementrprt auch gerade mit Fondant, da sie mir unsere Hochzeitstorte packen wird.Wir haben gerade gestern abend geplant wie die aussehen soll und dabei verzweifelt nach solchen ausstechern gesucht, weil sie bei ihrem ersten Versuch die Blumen mit einem Messer ausgeschnitten hatte. Woher hast du denn die Ausstecher?Der Tipp mit dem Esspapier ist übrigens auch super.Liebe GrüßeJudith


  • EDITOR ADMINISTRATOR August 27, 2020
    4 years later, this statement has become a truism!


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